Publication •  22/05/2024

Forage Agronomy Update May 2024

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Please click here to read our Forage Agronomy Update.

In this edition: 

  • Best practice advice for ProClova® XL
  • Weed control in established grass and clover leys
  • Weed control in newly sown grass and clover leys
  • Forefront® T - the best solution for broad spectrum weed control
  • Not sure which Pioneer silage inoculant to choose as you plan for second cut grass?
  • Wholecrop cereal silage
  • Measuring ground cover of a newly sown ley
  • Post first cut dock control in silage fields
  • Maximise your maize yield with BlueN
  • Best solutions for thistle control
  • Buttercups - know your target
  • Guidance for controlling ragwort
  • FAQs
  • IASIS points


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