The new and unique solution for flexible and robust cereal disease control.
Peacoq™ is a new fungicide for the control of Septoria tritici, brown rust and yellow rust in winter wheat, winter triticale, winter spelt and durum wheat.
Peacoq is broad-spectrum fungicide containing Fenpicoxamid, more commonly known as Inatreq™ active.
Inatreq active offers a new and unique site of action for curative and persistent protection against all Septoria strains.
Peacoq MUST always be used in a mixture with a partner product which has a different mode of action.
For enquiries, contact Terrachem on: +353 87 254 7534 or email:, or call our Technical hotline: +44 800 689 8899 or e-mail:
Peacoq™ must always be used in mixture with a product with a different mode of action at a dose that offers robust control.
You must not apply more than one application of Peacoq™ to any cereal crop in the same year.
Peacoq should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target disease at the specific growth rate indicated.
Winter wheat
Winter triticale
Winter spelt
Durum wheat
Product Registration Number:
PCS 06752
Active Ingredients:
50g/L Fenpicoxamid (Inatreq active) (FRAC Code 21)
Pack Size:
5 L
Emulsifiable Concentrate (iQ-4 formulation)
Maximum Single Dose Rate:
2.0 L/ha
Maximum Total Dose:
2.0 L/ha
Maximum Number of Applications:
1 per crop per season
Application Timing:
Beginning of stem elongation (GS 30)- end of flowering (GS 69)
1 hour
Water Volumes:
100-300 L/ha
Aquatic Buffer Zone:
Buffer zone is determined by the STRIPE Water Tool but if the ditch is dry only a 1m buffer zone is required
For more information download:
Peacoq™ Label
Peacoq™ Safety Data Sheet
Peacoq™ Tech Sheet
Peacoq™ tank mix
Inatreq™ active provides curative activity alongside persistent control of Septoria making it the fungicide product of choice at T2. For 2023, Corteva’s best practice application advice will help growers get the most out of what is an extremely robu
®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.